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公司名稱(個人姓名)北京和聲創景影視技術有限公司 soundfirm BEIJING
郵編100088電子信箱[email protected]

(個人簡歷)和聲創景的服務內容 Production Services
同期聲收音 Location Recording
後期聲音設計 Sound Design
後期聲音效果製作 Sound Effects
English/Mandarin Dubbing & Translation
後期聲音混錄 Sound Mix
國際聲帶製作 M&E
音樂製作 Music Production
畫面剪輯 Picture Editing
數字中間片製作 Digital Intermediate
膠片掃描 Film Scanning
膠轉磁 Telecine
舊片修復 Film Restoration
視覺效果製作 Visual Effects

Soundfirm, Australia's largest and most highly awarded sound post- production company has produced award winning soundtracks for feature film or over twenty-five years. We have set foot in Asia for over a decade. Now we can offer Asian filmmakers the latest technology as well as access to our innovative and highly trained sound team at Soundfirm Beijing.

Soundfirm has earned much respect from its peers for its innovation and creative sound tracks. This is directly reflected through the abundance of awards & award nominations including Oscar, BAFTAs, AFIs, MPSEA Golden Reel awards, Golden Horse awards and Hong Kong Film Awards. Our experience and professional technology have been recognized by many directors, producers, film companies and distributors.

Soundfirm 是一個全球化的製作設計群體。在墨爾本,悉尼和北京設立的先進設備通過高速網路連線, 我們為各大州提供著同一水準的製作服務,這些地方包括澳洲、亞洲、美洲和歐洲。 網路式服務省去了大量的時間和費用,可以讓客戶無論在什麼地方都可以隨時看到工作狀況。
Soundfirm is an international creating group. With three state-of-the-art facilities situated in the centre of Melbourne's production hub; on the Fox Studios lot in Sydney and in Central Beijing, Soundfirm is fully equipped to meet all your sound post production needs. Our digital sound studios are all connected by high speed networks, enabling us to deliver comprehensive uncompromising sound services to leading filmmakers around the world. Network saves a lot of time and money, and enables clients to see how the work goes in anywhere.

Soundfirm,與亞洲電影人的合作是最值得我們驕傲的一點。很多亞洲客戶帶著他們令人興奮的項目一次次回到這裡。Soundfirm從1988年起就在做亞洲的電影,包括日本、韓國、新加坡,馬來西亞,印度尼西亞,香港, 台灣和中國大陸。
Soundfirm’s working together with Asian filmmakers makes us proud. Many Asian filmmakers go back to us with their exciting projects. Soundfirm started its Asian business in 1988, including Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China Mainland.
Innovation and technology are the reason that Soundfirm wins so many awards. Now these two main factors also go to China Mainland so that you can get the same service in its Beijing Studio—Soundfirm Beijing.

In order to guarantee the safety of clients’ works, Soundfirm sets up a stable and safe FTP network and management, which releases our clients with the concern of copy right.

您可以選擇悉尼、墨爾本和北京任何一處的Soundfirm公司來完成全部的影視製作,也可以選擇利用這三處共同來完成項目。Soundfirm製作監製,剪輯師和混錄師是最受歡迎和贏得最多讚譽的群體,他們可以在三處流動工作,以便在創意和技術層面有所交流,他們保證您的項目得到儘可能好的效果。我們完成的張藝謀導演的《滿城盡帶黃金甲》和張之亮導演的《墨攻》 就是運用三個地方的資源提供了一個天衣無縫的結果。
You could choose to work with any studio in Sydney, Melbourne or Beijing, and you could also choose to accomplish your project with the three studios working

together. Soundfirm's team of sound designers, editors and mixers work across each of the three facilities providing a creative and technical interchange that
simply provides the best result for each and every project. Our philosophy is to assemble the most creative and fully resourced team to achieve your vision. The films "Curse of the Golden Flower" directed by Zhang Yimou and "Battle of Wits" directed by Jacob Cheung are great examples of working at three facilities.

Soundfirm,擁有非常專業的人員幫助您聯絡和協調。 我們會依照您項目的需要為您提供相應的設備和服務,無論是一個單項,還是全部的後期。
Soundfirm has a professional team to help you coordinate. We will provide you corresponding facility and service according to your requirements, no matter it is a single project or a whole post-production.

Soundfirm will also help you design the most flexible, the highest performance price ratio to fit your budget.

We are glad to take over your trouble. The best our clients’ works turn out, the best we will be.

Soundfirm gives you a perfect ending of your picture.

北京和聲創景影視技術有限公司Soundfirm Beijing

2002年,SOUNDFIRM 在北京建立了和聲創景公司,提供從前期拍攝到後期製作的全面服務。
In 2002, Soundfirm Beijing set up, providing comprehensive service for films from shooting to post-production.

和聲創景的服務內容 Production Services

同期聲收音 Location Recording
後期聲音設計 Sound Design
後期聲音效果製作 Sound Effects
後期中英文配音、字幕翻譯 English/Mandarin Dubbing & Translation
後期聲音混錄 Sound Mix
國際聲帶製作 M&E
音樂製作 Music Production

畫面剪輯 Picture Editing
數字中間片製作 Digital Intermediate
膠片掃描 Film Scanning
膠轉磁 Telecine
舊片修復 Film Restoration
視覺效果製作 Visual Effects

電影作品Film Credits:

"Red CliffⅠ" - John Woo (2008) 《赤壁-上部》- 吳宇森
“The Forbidden Kingdom” - Rob Minkoff (2008)《功夫之王》--Rob Minkoff
"Mao's last dancer" - Bruce Bereford (2008)《最後的舞者》--Bruce Bereford
“Missing” --hark Tsui (2008)《深海尋人》--徐克
"A hope" --Stephen Chow (2008)《長江七號》--周星馳
"An Empress And The Warriors" - Tony Ching (2008) 《江山美人》--程小東
"Three Kingdoms" --Daniel Lee (2008) 《三國之見龍卸甲》--李仁港
"Playboy Cops" (Mandarin Dubbing) - Jingle Ma (2008)《花花刑警》-馬楚成
“The Silver Valley” --Shuhua Yao (2008)《白銀帝國》--姚淑
"Ticket" --Jacob Cheung (2008)《車票》--張之亮
"The Children of Huang Shi" (Mandarin Dubbing) -- Roger Spottiswoode (2007)
黃石的孩子》- Roger Spottiswoode
"IRON ROAD"(Mandarin Dubbing) - David Wu (2007)《鐵路》—胡大為
"Slam" ---- Jonathan Lim (2007)《扣籃對決》--林浩然
"My Blueberry Night"(Mandarin Dubbing) - Wong Kar Wai (2007)
"Flash Point" --Willson Yip (2007) 《導火線》--葉偉信
---- Nominated in "HongKong Film Awards 2008 "-Best sound effects.
---- Nominated in "Golden Horse Awards 2007" – Best sound effects.
“The Warlords” (Mandarin Dubbing) -- Peter Chen (2007)《投名狀》-陳可辛
"Invisible Target"(Mandarin Dubbing) --Benny Chen (2007)
"Kidnap"(Mandarin Dubbing) -- Law Chi Leung (2007) 《綁架》--羅志良
“The matrimony” -- Teng Huatao (2007) 《心中有鬼》--騰華濤
“Xin Yue’s Story” -- Lun Ah. (2007)《欣月童話》--林偉倫
"Gang La Mei Duo" -- Dai Wei (2007)《岡拉梅朵》-- 戴瑋
"Always in Spring" --Zeng Zhifeng (2007)《永遠是春天》--曾劍鋒
"Curse of the Golden Flower" Zhang Yimou《滿城盡帶黃金甲》--張藝謀
---- Nominated in "HongKong Film Awards "-Best sound effects. 香港電影金像獎最佳音效提名獎
"Battle of Wits"--Jacob Cheung《墨攻》--張之亮
---- Nominated in "HongKong Film Awards "-Best sound effects. 香港電影金像獎最佳音效提名獎
---- Nominated in "Golden Horse Awards "-Best sound effects.金馬獎最佳音效提名獎
"Dragon Tiger Gate"--Willson Yip & Donnie Yen《龍虎門》--葉偉信、甄子丹
"Curiosity Kills the Cat"----Zhang Yibai《好奇害死貓》-張一白

"House of Flying Daggers"----Zhang Yimou《十面埋伏》 -張藝謀
---- Nominated in " BAFTA"-Best sound effects. 英國學院獎提名
---- Nominated in "MPSEA Golden Reel Awards".金拷貝獎
"Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles"--Zhang Yimou《千里走單騎》--張藝謀
"The Promise"--Chen Kai Ge《無極》-陳凱歌
"Seven Swords"--Tsui Hark《七劍》-徐克
---- Nominated in "HongKong Film Awards "-Best sound effects. 香港電影金像獎最佳音效提名獎
---- Nominated in "Golden Horse Awards "-Best sound effects.金馬獎最佳音效提名獎
"Kung Fu Hustle"----Stephen Chow《功夫》--周星馳
---- Nominated in "HongKong Film Awards "-Best sound effects.
---- Nominated in "MPSEA Golden Reel Awards".金拷貝提名
“Hero” – Zhang Yimou 《英雄》-- 張藝謀
"Shadowless Sword"--Kim Yong Jun《無影劍》-金永俊
“The Road”- Zhang Jiarui 《芳香之旅》-章佳瑞
"Courthouse On The horseback"-- Liu Jie《馬背上的法庭》-劉傑
"Loach Is Fish Too"--Yang Yazhou《泥鰍也是魚》 --楊亞洲
"Snow in the Wind" --Yang Yazhou《雪花那個飄》--楊亞洲
"A Letter From A Strange Woman"--Xu Jinglei《一個陌生女人的來信》--徐靜蕾
"Dreams May Come"--Xu Jinglei 《夢想照進現實》--徐靜蕾
"The Road"--Zhang Jiarui《芳香之旅》----章佳瑞
"Gimme Kudos"--Huang Jianxin《求求你表揚我》--黃建新
"Silent Mountains"--Zheng Kehong《沉默的遠山》--鄭克洪
"Wu Song Hit Me"-- Lu YITONG武松打我》 -- 陸一同
"Road Home" -- Gangliang Fang《上學路上》--方剛亮
"The Exam” – Pu Jian 《考試》-蒲劍
“Tea In Love” – Meng Qi 《茶色生香》- 孟奇
“In the blue”- Yuan Weidong 《淺藍深藍》 – 袁衛東

Create game sound at film quality

Rich dubbing resources and music and sound library for creation of film quality game sound;
Prize winning music and sound design team and professional sound recording facility and location for a complete sound solution;
Enough human resources to take over big scale game sound projects;
Multiple languages staff with International communication ability to be able to respond and turn around efficiently.

Game Credits

☆ Matrix 2 (voices and facial motion capture)
☆ The Hulk (voice recording) - Universal Interactive
☆ Lord Of The Rings (voice recording)
☆ AFL 2003 - IR Gurus/Acclaim Entertainment
☆ Woody woodpecker - tantalus
☆ Flintstones - Tantalus
☆ All Terrain Vehicles - Tantalus
☆ Rocket Power - Evolution Games
☆ Ty The Tasmanian Tiger - Krome Studios
Hot Wheels - Micro Forte
☆ Dirt Track Racing Sprint Cars - ratbag Games
☆ Corporate Racing Logo - Ratbag Games
☆ Warlords Barrlecry 2 - Strategic Studies Group (SSG)
☆ 完美世界Perfect World - 北京歡樂億派 E-Pai

☆ 至尊Powerspace -北京動力時空 Powerspace
☆ 分裂細胞4 Splinter Cell ‘Double Agent’ –
Voice recording & Sound Mix, UBI Soft
☆ Realplayer online game 瑞爾線上休閒遊戲系列
☆ EA online game 線上休閒遊戲系列
☆ TOSE online game 線上休閒遊戲系列
☆ Ultizen Games online game 靈禪 線上休閒遊戲系列

