

余玲,副教授,碩士生導師,新加坡南洋理工大學博士,美國匹茲堡大學醫學中心博士後。 在先進納米技術與生物醫學的交叉領域中開展研究工作。研究方向:微流控蛋白、細胞分析晶片;適用於抗體高效篩選的微器件的研製;經濟、靈敏的攜帶型快速檢測晶片的開發及基礎研究。承擔國家科技部重大儀器開發專項基金子項目一項,國家自然科學基金青年基金一項,中央高校科研基本業務費一項。在Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Lab on chip, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Nanotechnology, Immunologic Research等雜誌發表SCI論文十餘篇。申請美國專利4項,獲授權2項,轉化1項。


L. Yu, S.R. Ng, Y. Xu, H. Dong, Y.J. Wang, C.M. Li. Advances of Lab-on-a-chip in Isolation, Detection and Post-processing of Circulating Tumour Cells. Lab Chip 2013 13(16):3163-82.

X.T. Zheng, L. Yu, PW Li, H. Dong, Y.J. Wang, Y Liu, C.M. Li. On-chip Investigation of Cell-drug Interactions. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2013, pii: S0169-409X(13)00031-8 (XT Zheng, and L Yu contribute equally to this work.)

L. Yu, E. Favoino, Y. Wang, Y. Ma, X. Deng and X.Wang. The CSPG4-specific monoclonal antibody enhances and prolongs the effects of the BRAF inhibitor in melanoma cells Immunol ogic Res earch. 2011, 50(2-3):294-302

X. Wang, A. Katayama, Y. Wang, L. Yu, E. Favoino, K. Sakakura, J. B. McCarthy, A. B. DeLeo, and S. Ferrone. Functional characterization of an scFv-Fc antibody that immunotherapeutically targets the common cancer cell surface proteoglycan CSPG4 Cancer R esearch, 2011, 15;71(24):7410-22

X. Wang, T. Osada, Y. Wang, L. Yu, K. Sakakura, A. Katayama, J. B. McCarthy, A. Brufsky, M. Chivukula, T. Khoury, D. S. Hsu, H. K. Lyerly, T. M. Clay and S. Ferrone. CSPG4 protein as a new target for the antibody-based immunotherapy of triple-negative breast cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute , 2010 , 102(19):1496-512

X. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Yu, K. Sakakura, C. Visus, J. H. Schwab, C. R. Ferrone, E. Favoino, Y. Koya, M. R. Campoli, J. B. McCarthy, A. B. DeLeo, and S. Ferrone. CSPG4 in cancer: multiple roles Current molecular medicin, 2010 , 10, 419-29

L. Yu, C.M. Li; Z.S Lu; Y.S. Liu.Conformative and quantitative studies of adsorption of protein A on poly (dimethylsiloxane) surface by AFM Nanotechnology, 2009 , 20, 285101

L. Yu, Y.S. Liu; Y. Gan, C.M. Li. High-performance UV-curable epoxy resin-based microarray and microfluidic immunoassay devices, Biosensor and Bioelectronics,2009 , 24, 2997-3002

L.Yu, C.M. Li, Y.S. Liu, J. Gao, W. Wang, Y. Gan. Flow-through functionalized PDMS microfluidic channels with dextran derivative for ELISAs., Lab Chip, 2009 , 9, 1243–1247


S. Ferrone, X. Wang, L Yu, Y. Wang, E. Favoino Delaying and preventing BRAF inhibitor resistance US Patent Application No. 61/419,208, filed December 2, 2010

S. Ferrone, X. Wang, L Yu, Y. Wang, E. Favoino Methods for treating a tumor using an antibody that specifically binds HMW-MAA. International application No. PCT/US2011/062943 filed December 1, 2011

CM Li, L Yu. Flow-Through Method of Functionalizing Inner Surfaces of Microfluidic. US 2010/0297745 A1

CM Li, L Yu. Method of Manufacturing Micro Patterned Device and Device Obtained by the Method. US 2010/0323924 A1


