

《July》是吳亦凡演唱的歌曲,由August Grant和Rook Monroe作詞,冷炫忱(Curtis)、Karl Rubin、August Grant、Rook Monroe和吳亦凡作曲。歌曲於2016年11月4日首發。 2016年,該歌曲獲得第十屆音樂盛典咪咕匯“年度十大金曲獎” 。



July[吳亦凡首支英文單曲] July[吳亦凡首支英文單曲]

2015年的時候,吳亦凡在生日零點發布了親自參與詞曲創作的歌曲《Bad Girl》。吳亦凡稱,在生日之際推出歌曲的模式已經變成一種傳統,會在每年的生日推出歌曲,以此回饋聽眾的支持。因此,吳亦凡如期在2016年的生日推出歌曲《July》 。《July》由製作人Karl Rubin操刀,吳亦凡參與了詞曲創作,歌曲的錄製在美國完成 。在歌曲創作過程中,吳亦凡把對音樂的熱愛、對生活的理解寫進歌曲里。


I've been looking for a reason

To have you in my arms

Where you wanna be

Never had a woman so pure

Glad to have you right where you wanna be

Talking to the morning we don't need any sleep

I hate it when you go to work

Laying till the sun damn near feel like a dream

I hate it when we go to work

You should be here

Baby baby I'm

Baby baby I'm

Doing what feels right

Doing what feels right

Baby baby now

Baby baby now

Don't tell me what you wanna say

Show me how you feeling babe

Show me how you

Show me how you

Show me how you feeling babe

You've been looking for a reason

To have me in your arms

Where I wanna be

Give you what you need and no more

Glad to have you right where you wanna be

Talking to the morning we don't need any sleep

I hate it when you go to work

Laying till the sun damn near feel like a dream

I hate it when we go to work

You should be here

Baby baby I'm

Baby baby I'm

Doing what feels right

Doing what feels right

Baby baby now

Baby baby now

Don't tell me what you wanna say

Show me how you feeling babe

You know this ain't rocket science get what you got coming to you

I know what you like you know that I'mma keep it coming aw

Some about this moet got you in the mood

Say you got a situation tell that the other guy to move


I may have to call in work girl

How I'm pose to lay this work girl

Yo sh*t way too good function

I'm like Jordan when it's crunch time

We at nobu when it's lunch time

I'mma get up out yuh way girl

But only if we spending some time sometimes

Baby baby I'm

Baby baby I'm

Doing what feels right

Doing what feels right

Baby baby now

Baby baby now

Don't tell me what you wanna say

Show me how you feeling babe

Show me how you

Show me how you

Show me how you feeling babe

Show me how you feeling babe

I've been looking for a reason


《July》是一首曲風鮮明的都市電子音樂。歌曲融合了電子R&B音律和EDM元素,搭配嘻哈精神的核心,用auto-tune處理人聲增加色彩感,是很前衛的做法 。從整體來看,電子曲風配合吳亦凡低音磁性的聲音,將這首歌的獨特風格展現了出來。簡單直白的歌詞,搭配歐美范兒十足的都市電子音律,展現出獨具一格的層次質感 。


MV劇照 MV劇照

《July》的MV由Colin Tilley執導,舞蹈部分由lanEastwood親自操刀並出境配合 。導演聽到歌曲後,特意打造了三維空間的神奇世界為場景,融入了黑暗與明亮交替且富有變化的光線,金屬感及未來感十足。

特別加長版MV由國內導演程師墨剪輯製作。特別加長版MV開頭,是一段吳亦凡的獨白:“拋開了所有的附加的東西,我就是很純正地做自己的音樂,表達我自己想要表達的東西。”,以此表達出吳亦凡的心聲 。






《July》的著作權歸屬於凡世文化公司。歌曲於Apple Music上首發,歌曲在美國iTunes即時總榜的最好成績是第49位。

