Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

paren ister 71chapter


Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone ·publishing company:Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
·country:United Kingdom
·the order in which editions are printed:2000-01-01
·the publish time:2000-1-1
·edition binding or simple package:paperbound
Harry Potter, a normal eleven-year-old boy, discovers that he is a wizard. Long ago, Harry's parents were killed in a battle with the evil Lord Voldemort. When we first meet Harry, he is living miserably with his repulsive and non-magical (or muggle) Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon Dursley, and their even more revolting son, Dudley. Following a bizarre but hilarious chain of events, Harry finds himself at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with an outrageous cast of characters, including super-smart Hermione Granger, vile Draco Malfoy, sinister Professor Snape, and the wise Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Adventures galore ensue.
chapter 1 The Boy Who Lived 7
chapter 2 The Vanishing Glass 25
chapter 3 The Letter from No One 39
chapter 4 The Keeper of the Keys 55
chapter 5 Diagon Alley 71
chapter 6 The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quaters 99
chapter 7 The Sorting Hat 123
chapter 8 The Potions Master 144
chapter 9 The Midnight Duel 157
chapter 10 Hallowe'en 178
chapter 11 Quidditch 196
chapter 12 The Mirror of Erised 210
chapter 13 Nicolas Flamel 233
chapter 14 Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback 247
chapter 15 The Forbidden Forest 262
chapter 16 Through the trapdoor 283
chapter 17 The Man with Two Faces 310


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