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蘇二正 副研究員?

?蘇二正:男,1976年5月出生,華東理工大學生物工程學院工學博士,“上海市優秀博士學位論文”、“全國優秀博士學位論文”提名獎獲得者。近年來,主要從事酶與生物催化方面的研究工作,在酶製劑的篩選、改造以及新型生物催化過程及工藝開發方面具有一定的經驗。以第一作者或通訊作者在《Bioresource Technology》、《PLoS ONE》等生物工程領域期刊發表SCI論文10餘篇,併合作發表多篇SCI收錄的研究論文。申請專利3項。參與著作《biomass to Renewable Energy Processes》的編寫工作。擔任《International Journal of Current Trends in Science and Technology》雜誌的編委。多次受邀擔當《Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic》、《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》等期刊審稿人。
1) 新型酶製劑的發現、功能鑑定。
2) 酶製劑的修飾、定向改造。
3) 生物催化合成生物能源、手性產品、生物基化學品、功能性因子。
1.Mingliang Li, Erzheng Su*, Pengyong You, Xiangyu Gong, Diansheng Xu, Dongzhi Wei. Purification and in situ immobilization of papain with aqueous two-phase system. PLoS ONE 5(12)(2010): e15168.
2.Erzheng Su,Pengyong You, Dongzhi Wei. In situ lipase-catalyzed reactive extraction of oilseeds with short-chained dialkyl carbonates for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5813-5817.
2.Erzheng Su, Pengyong You, Dongzhi Wei. In situ lipase-catalyzed reactive extraction of oilseeds with short-chained dialkyl carbonates for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5813-5817.
3. Erzheng Su, Dongzhi Wei. Improvement in lipase-catalyzed methanolysis of triacylglycerols for biodiesel production using a solvent engineering method. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 55(3-4) (2008)118-125.
4. Erzheng Su, Minjie Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Jianfeng Gao, Dongzhi Wei. Lipase-catalyzed irreversible transesterification of vegetable oils for fatty acid methyl esters production with dimethyl carbonate as the acyl acceptor. Biochemical Engineering Journal 36 (2007) 167-173.
5. Erzheng Su, Weiqin Xu, Keliang Gao, Yu Zheng, Dongzhi Wei. Lipase-catalyzed in situ reactive extraction of oilseeds with short-chained alkyl acetates for fatty acid esters production. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 48 (2007) 28-32.
6. Erzheng Su, Tao Xia, Li-Ping Gao, Qian-Ying Dai, Zheng-Zhu Zhang. Immobilization of β-glucosidase and its aroma-increasing effect on tea beverage. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 88(2010)83-89.
7. Erzheng Su, Ying Zhou, Pengyong You, Dongzhi Wei. Lipases in the castor bean seed of Chinese varieties: Activity comparison, purification and characterization. Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition) 14(2)( 2010) 137-144.
8. Erzheng Su; Tao Xia; Liping Gao; Qianying Dai; Zhengzhu Zhang. Immobilization and Characterization of Tannase and its Haze-removing. Food Science and Technology International , 15 (6)(2009): 545-552.
9. Bei Gao, Erzheng Su, Jinping Lin, Zhengbing Jiang, Yushu Ma, Dongzhi Wei. Development of recombinant Escherichia coli whole-cell biocatalyst expressing a novel alkaline lipase-coding gene from Proteus sp. for biodiesel production. Journal of Biotechnology139(2) (2009) 169-175.
10. Tao Xu, Lujia Zhang, Erzheng Su, Dongbing Cui, Xuedong Wang, Dongzhi Wei. disparity in productive binding mode of the slow-reacting enantiomer determines the novel catalytic behavior of Candida antarctica lipase B. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 62 (2010) 288-296.
11. Jinping Lin, Qinghai Liu, Erzheng Su, Dongzhi Wei, Shengli Yang. Application of comparative proteome analysis to reveal influence of cultivation conditions on asymmetric bioreduction of β-keto ester by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 80 (2008) 831-839.
12. Jianguo Zhang, Xuedong Wang, Erzheng Su, Guochen Fang, Yuhong Ren, Dongzhi Wei. A new fermentation strategy for S-adenosylmethionine production in recombinant Pichia pastoris.Biochemical Engineering Journal41(1) (2008) 74-78.
13. Ying Zhou, Jiangguo Zhang, Erzheng Su, Guodong Wei, Yushu Ma, Dongzhi Wei. Phenanthrene biodegradation by an indigenous Pseudomonas sp. ZJF08 with TX100 as surfactant. Annals of Microbiology 58 (3) (2008) 439-442.
1、蘇二正, 夏濤, 宛曉春. 單寧酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶的共固定化. 食品與生物技術學報2006年 25卷 1期
1、蘇二正, 夏濤, 宛曉春. 單寧酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶的共固定化. 食品與生物技術學報2006年 25卷 1期
1、蘇二正, 夏濤, 宛曉春. 單寧酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶的共固定化. 食品與生物技術學報2006年 25卷 1期
2、蘇二正, 夏濤, 張正竹. 共固定化單寧酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶對茶飲料增香和除混效果的研究. 食品與發酵工業2005年 31卷 5期
3、蘇二正, 夏濤. 飲料中蛋白質-多酚混濁的研究進展. 食品科技2004年 3期
4、方從兵, 宛曉春, 蘇二正. 野葛細胞固定化培養及異黃酮化合物的生產. 食品與發酵工業2006年 32卷 5期
5、張正竹,李英波, 蘇二正, 李平. β-葡萄糖苷酶的蠶絲素蛋白膜固定化及其性質研究. 食品與發酵工業2004年 30卷 6期
魏東芝;蘇二正;高劍峰 一種生物催化不可逆轉酯製備生物柴油的方法 公開號 CN1931962
魏東芝;蘇二正;高劍峰 一種生物催化不可逆轉酯製備生物柴油的方法 公開號 CN1931962
魏東芝;蘇二正;高劍峰 一種生物催化不可逆轉酯製備生物柴油的方法 公開號 CN1931962
蘇二正;尤鵬永;魏東芝一種生物催化“一鍋法”製備生物柴油的工藝方法公開號 CN101619329
《Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes》Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press ISBN-10:


