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《幻想大陸零》最初由Square Enix開發,後來被美國遊戲發行公司Gamepot USA買下,由此進入歐美市場,目前遊戲的公測進行的非常順利。Gamepot USA專門為《幻想大陸零》設立了發售專頁,隨後將會在這個頁面公布發售相關的特殊事件、推廣活動等,只是目前官方還未透露任何或許喔那個信息。我們5月18日拭目以待吧。
同時,《幻想大陸零》是一款以戰爭為主軸且注重戰略運用的國戰遊戲,戰爭系統類似即時戰略遊戲,操作上則是第三人稱,故事劇情由 5 個國家 7 塊大陸所組成,設有戰爭、競技場、遊樂場、社群四大系統,玩家一開始可選擇自己所屬的國家,從一而終為自己的國家而戰。

The Kings

King Huenkel

The Kingdom of Netzavare controls all land on the Victorion Continent. Said to be the home of a witch in antiquity, many non-human species call this country home. Netzavare is relatively peaceful internally thanks to the rule of its beast lord. After long years of tyranny, the citizens are finally finding freedom. However, opposition to King Huenkel’s rise by force is strong. The debased former royal family waits constantly for a chance to retaliate.
The current ruler of Netzavare is King Huenkel. Once feared as a despot, Huenkel lost a key political conflict and was expelled from Netzavare with his family. Exiled, Huenkel became even more violent. It was then that he and his daughter were cursed by a witch and forced to take the shape of beasts. Though this transformation drove Huenkel into even more of a rage, his anger was eventually quelled by the words of his also-transformed daughter. Despite her young age, she told him "Though our appearance may have changed, we have nothing to fear as long as we are sincere and kind." Huenkel's heart softened when he felt the unchanged kindness of his daughter.
Huenkel decided to atone for his sins and use his power to protect the weak from oppression. When the people witnessed Huenkel's selfless acts and lack of request for recompense, they began to rally around Huenkel.
Huenkel used his newfound power to dispatch with the current king of Netzavare and once again rise to the throne. However, his past as the tyrannical ruler of Netzavare remains a secret to his people to this very day.

Queen Vadrithe Berkstein Hordaine

The Kingdom of Hordaine controls the Oreole Continent. Though the kingdom had seen years of internal strife, this conflict has been suppressed by the current ruler, Queen Vadrithe Berkstein Hordaine.
The kingdom overflows with a pioneering spirit though its heart is fervently militant. The overwhelming charisma of Queen Vadrithe inspires efforts to both calm the unrest of the local regions and to conquer the lands around the kingdom. The Kingdom of Hordaine is the most youthful and active country in the six continents.
Queen Vadrithe Berkstein Hordaine is born of the bloodline of the hero Berkstein who founded the Kingdom of Hordaine. Her family, however, had actually fallen from grace many years previous, and Vadrithe had lived her life as a shepherd. One day she received a revelation from the crystals and swore to overthrow the rotting kingdom and conquer the world. From that moment she became the warrior princess.
Since she spent much of her life as a commoner, she can be domestic and has qualms about the strange ways of the court. Vadrithe hopes to unite the world and create a kingdom of peace and justice.

Emperor Lyle Q'velda Gevrand

Emperor Lyle Q'velda Gevrand, leader of the Gevrandian Empire rules the entirety of the Strictor Continent.
Gevrandia is ruled by the sword--a militant country that has survived eras of conflict. Numerous insurrections blight the fattened plains of Gevrandia, as the country decays thanks to the country's selfish aristocrats. However, Emperor Lyle, recently risen to power, seeks to put an end to the country's stangnant government.
Emperor Lyle was originally disinherited due to his birth to a common mother, though he emerged into the limelight thanks to strife within the Gevrandia court. He is actually the bastard child of former Gevrandia Emperor Glugue. Lyle was raised in the slums and initially hated the thought of taking the throne. However, he eventually decides to reform the country after remembering the turmoil of his childhood.
Though Lyle is trusted by the people--to the point they call him the "Emperor of Freedom"--the royal family despises him as the "Robber Emperor." Lyle doesn't like to deal with strict rules and ceremonies and hates the royal family though he is in fact one of them. He sometimes claims to go off to inspect the country only to go enjoy a night out on the town. He spends his energy trying to create a world without haves and have-nots.

The Kingdom of Yelsord

The Kingdom of Yelsord controls all land on the Pedestal continent. Its history is long, beginning when King Edias, the fifteenth king of the Kingdom of Melgia, dispatched Royal Prince Cedias to control the Yelsord region of the Pedestal Continent. The current ruler is King Nias. His governance well balanced, the country swells with power.
The Kingdom of Yelsord has a tendency to favor knowledge over might, though this may be a remnant of the country’s past. Yelsord is the home of many scholars and the source of much of the research into alchemy.
The current ruler of the Kingdom of Yelsord is Nias Yelsord. Nias is known as the "Wise King" for his ceaseless pursuit of wisdom. He offers aid to the researchers of alchemy, and is famous for bringing the chimera to 80% completion.
Though a pessimist with a love of books, he does not neglect his political duties. Nias was once a vibrant young statesman, though the current stability of modern Yelsord has allowed him to leave the majority of his political duties to his subordinates while he pursues subjects in his own interest. Nias's wisdom is widely esteemed amongst both his subordinates and the country as a whole.
Some people feel that the happiness of this country should extend across the entire world, thus those under Nias work to expand the domain of the Kingdom of Yelsord. King Nias himself watches the plans for expansion with a careful eye, hoping the expansion of territory will lead to an expansion of knowledge available to him.
As King Nias is a descendant of a duke of the Kingdom of Melgia, his preferred title is the "Duke of Yelsord."

Sacred Queen Tivarece

Sacred Queen Tivarece is the leader of the Royal Alliance of Cesedria, which controls the Akelnar Continent. Cesedria has recently declared independence from the Gevrandian Empire; enthroning their own ruler for their new country. The Royal Alliance of Cesedria's queen is said to be a descendent of the First King--the queen's bloodline drawing many supporters to her cause.
Since none of the founding countries relinquished their thrones with the establishment of the Royal Alliance, the official title of the person that stands at the top of the Alliance is "Sacred King" or "Sacred Queen." For this reason, the country is also known as the Cesedria Kingdoms.
Emperor Lyle of Gevrandia keeps a careful eye on Cesedria and the country is, at least on the surface, peaceful. King Huenkel of nearby Netzavare avoids using the title "Queen" when addressing the country. At a time when humans rule the land, many troubles await the future of this country and the elf at its helm.
Sacred Queen Tivarece, a female elf brought to the country by Cesedria founding hero General Winvene, is said to be a descendent of the First King. Tivarece has many supporters both in Cesedria and abroad. However, many also oppose having an elf as supreme ruler. She is constantly exposed to danger, which is why she usually has Winvene protecting her at her side.
Tivarece is gentle in temper. She exceedingly favors peace. She's generally ignorant of the ways of the world and for most purposes is not actually in control of the kingdom. Ever the optimist, she firmly believes that her vassals work for the purposes of peace. She has garnered absolute popularity from her subjects due to her lineage, beauty, and sincerity.

