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孫浩軍,博士,教授,1963年出生,1982年畢業於河北大學數學系,獲學士學位,1982-2000年在河北大學任教,2000-2005年在加拿大謝布克大學(University of Sherbrooke)留學,2005年獲博士學位。同年回國工作,曾任汕頭大學工學院計算機系教授,計算機系主任。其研究涉及了多個科學領域,其中包括數據挖掘和知識發現、模式識別、機器學習、圖像處理和理解、信息系統、神經網路、信號處理等。近年來主持或作為主要研究者參與多項課題的研究,包括高維數據的聚類分析算法研究,智慧型汽車導航系統,用神經網路方法對模式存儲、信息提取的研究,基於交疊率的聚類分析研究,在國際期刊、國際會議發表論文多篇,其中30餘篇被三大索引檢索。


1. “高維混合型數據聚類及套用研究”, 國家自然基金 56萬, 2012-2015.

2. “高維數據聚類研究及在稅收管理中的套用”, 廣東省自然科學基金 5萬, 2008-2010.

3. “高維數據聚類分析及套用”, 廣東省教育廳人才引進, 10萬, 2009-2010.

4. “圖像信息存儲與管理軟體”, 廣東航宇衛星科技有限公司, 23萬, 2011-2012.


1. H. Sun, S. Wang “A New Approach to Measure the Component Overlapping in the Gaussian Mixture Model” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 23,Number 3(2011),479-502(SCI)。
2. Haojun Sun, Sheng Wang, Qingshan Jiang “FCM-based Model Selection Algorithm for Determining the Number of Clusters” , Pattern Recognition, 2004, Vol. 37: 2027-2037 . (SCI)
3. Haojun Sun, Mei Sun, Zhen Mei, “Feature Selection via Fuzzy Clustering”, in Proceedings of IEEE ICMLC2006, pp. 1400-1405. (EI)
4. Haojun Sun,Longhuan Xiong “Genetic Algorithm-based High-dimensional Data Clustering Technique” The Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Aug, 2009, PP.485-489
5. Haojun Sun,Mei Sun “Trial-and-error Approach for Determining the Number of Clusters”, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2006, LNAI 3930, pp 229-238. (SCI)
6. M. Bouguessa, S. Wang, H. Sun, “An Objective Approach to Cluster Validation”,Pattern Recognition Letters, Oct. 2006,(SCI)
7. Shengrui Wang, Haojun Sun, “Measuring Overlap Rate for Cluster Merging in a Hierarchical Approach to Color Image Segmentation”, International Journal Fuzzy Systems, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 3, 147-156.(EI)
8. Haojun Sun, and Shengrui Wang, “Distinguishing Between Overlapping Components in Mixture Models” in the Proceedings of The 2nd IASTED International Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence, (Switzerland) Feb. 2004, 102-108。(EI)
9. Haojun Sun, Shengrui Wang, and Zhen Mei, “A fuzzy clustering based algorithm for feature selection” in Proceedings of IEEE ICMLC2002, (Beijing), Nov. 2002. (EI)
10. Haojun Sun,“Image Segmentation Based on Model Selection”, in Proceedings of IEEE ICMLC2006, pp 1394-1399. (EI)
11. Haojun Sun, Zhihui Liu, Lingjun Kong, “A Document Clustering Method based on Hierarchical Algorithm with Model Clustering”, The 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Japen, March, 2008
12. 孫浩軍,劉志輝,孔令俊,“一種基於交疊率聚類的改進”,儀器儀表學報, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 529-532,2007
13. 孫浩軍,孔令俊,劉志輝,“利用高斯分布生成數據對聚類算法的比較”,儀器儀表學報, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 404-408,2007 (EI)
14. Haojun Sun, Mei Sun, “A Measurement of Overlap Rate between Gaussian Components”, in Proceedings of IEEE ICMLC2007,Aug. 2007.
15. Mei Sun, Lingjun Kong, Haojun Sun, “Comparison of Clustering Methods with Generating Mixture Component Data”, In Prooceding of The 2007 International Conference on Information Computing and Automation (ICICA’07), Dec. 2007.


