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出版社: 中國人民大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年8月1日)
外文書名: Educational philosophy and Practice of Liu Pengzhi
平裝: 205頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7300125093, 9787300125091
條形碼: 9787300125091
尺寸: 23.8 x 16.8 x 1.6 cm
重量: 399 g






Chapter 1 Liu Pengzhi's Educational Ideas
Love is the highest level of education
Educational innovation promotes quality education
A first-class middle school sets the foundation for a first-class university
Moral education is a great aspect of education
School principal is the chief designer of school culture
Curriculum holds the key to promoting quality education
Faculty members are the force of education
Principal is a pioneer at school
Activate every cell
Creative education ignites wisdom
Sports and art education, a balanced education
gifted education fosters top talents
Educational technology accelerates educational development
Education needs an international perspective and humanitarian awareness
A school needs to undertake social responsibility
Continue sustainable development and realize maximal social responsibility
Making RDFZ a world-class high school is my life-long goal
——Interview with Principal Liu Pengzhi by Jing Yidan
Pursuing excellence
——Interview with Principal Liu Pengzhi by Li Xiaomeng
Chapter 2 Research of Principal Liu Pengzhi's Educational Philosophy
Promoting scientific development via an overall integrated optimization
——On the charisma of Principal Liu Pengzhi's educational philosophy
A person who dedicates herself to education
A school's driving force is the full participation of every member of the school community
Aesthetical value of Liu Pengzhi's educational philosophy
On Liu Pengzhi's educational management system
Chapter 3 Comments on Liu Pengzhi in China and Overseas
Liu Pengzhi: in the eyes of educators
Liu Pengzhi: in the eyes of faculty members, students and parents
Liu Pengzhi. in the eyes of overseas principals
Chapter 4 Comments, Memoirs and News Reports
A book recommendation——A Life-Long Cause by Liu Pengzhi
Tell you a do-not-know RDFZ
My working experience with Principal Liu
My teacher——Liu Pengzhi
RDFZ's Principal Liu Pengzhi- "engraving the calling of education into my life"
Liu Pengzhi: Beyond Borders


